James Jackson, Jr.

...and his official website

A Juneteenth Cabaret — The Wilde in Provincetown, MA (6/16)
6:00 PM18:00

A Juneteenth Cabaret — The Wilde in Provincetown, MA (6/16)

Presented in conjunction with @JuneteenthPtown, Obie Award-winning artist, James Jackson, Jr. (Broadway’s TONY & Pulitzer Prize-winning musical A Strange Loop) returns to Provincetown in a new show celebrating Juneteenth, the history of artists of color in Ptown, and the theme of “Belonging”. When? Sunday, June 16th - 6:30PM - The Wilde at The Gifford House (9 Carver Street, in Ptown). Doors open at 6PM. CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS

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“Cabaret…Debut?” NYC Pride Kick-Off at Pangea 6/1 - 6/2
to Jun 2

“Cabaret…Debut?” NYC Pride Kick-Off at Pangea 6/1 - 6/2

Obie Award-winner, James Jackson, Jr. from TONY & Pulitzer Prize-winning musical A Strange Loop kicks off NYC Pride Month with a 2-night stint at East Village mainstay Pangea. “Cabaret…Debut?” spoofs Jackson’s 15 year career in the famed and fabled New York cabaret scene. Presented Saturday, June 1st at 9:30PM & Sunday, June 2nd at 7PM. CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS

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